Community Outreach
Welcome to VMQG! Philanthropic work is an important part of our 501(c)3 status. We welcome your participation. Here are some of the ways you can be a part of it!
A Block is presented to the membership via the meeting and on our web site. Members have usually 2-3 months to sew the blocks, then they are collected and assembled into quilts.
2022 Schedule
January: Present New Block………….. Feb & March, drop or mail blocks
April: Present New Block………………. May & June, drop or mail blocks
June: Present New Block……………….. July & August, drop or mail blocks
August: Present New Block…………… September & October, we will Collect Blocks
November and December, No Blocks. We all need some time to regroup for next year!
Pillowcase kits are available for pickup through Nona or Pam at each meeting. Directions are available at meetings and posted on the web site. Pillowcases are presented to Foster Children’s Resource Center, A small portion presented to Operation MEND, and some to Haven Hills. Pam B. coordinates this worthwhile project.
Quit kits are available for signing out at Nona’s or at our meetings. They vary from simply piecing a top, to completing a kit from start to finish! Included in the Quilt kit is a label that identifies VMQG. Please stop by and take a look and see how you can help!
How much fun is this!! It could be a virtual “sew-ins” or at a member’s home, or we might organize fabric, cut quilts and assemble quilt kits. Contact Nona if you’d like to add your name to the ongoing list and we will call you for the next Sew-In. You can also see us and sew together on the 3rd Sunday of each month 1-4 pm via Zoom.
Our members continue to be very generous. They have donated fabric, batting, and of course their super talents and precious time. Above are some of the many quilts (top two photos) and pillowcases (bottom two photos) that members unselfishly made and donated. You are encouraged to share your contribution with us via the “Show and Tell” portion of our Zoom meetings.
Quilts were distributed to:
HAVEN HILLS: A shelter for Domestic Abuse, located in Canoga Park, CA.
OPERATION MEND: Meeting Each Need with Dignity. Quilts are given to pregnant, or new mothers that the agency services. It’s located in Pacoima, CA.
FOSTER CHILDREN’S RESOURCE CENTER: Located in Northridge, this agency services over 2000 foster children a year, from newborn to age 21. They also accept children’s books, toys and quilts. We donated 388 pillowcases, 305 masks and 5 quilts to FCRC.
C.A.T.S.: The Center for Assault Treatment Services: 24-hour response for sexual abuse or assault. It is based out of Northridge Hospital.
GENESIS HOUSE AT HOPE OF THE VALLEY: A residential program for single moms and their children transitioning from homelessness.
Pam reported our Guild donated 209 pillowcases to the Foster Children’s Resource Center in 2021.
Contact: Nona Kirby, Charity Coordinator 818-400-7435.
“May you be proud of the work that you do, the person you are and the difference you make”